The Monkton Museum and Historical Society is organized for the purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation filed by Law, with the Secretary of the State of Vermont, and recorded in the Records of the Town of Monkton.
Members of this Corporation shall be unlimited in number. Initially they shall consist of the Subscribers until such time as public notice may be made notifying interested persons that such an organization has been formed and a meeting called to elect permanent officers for the organization. Only dues paid members shall vote.
The officers of the Corporation shall consist consist as follows:
A President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Trustees. The three Trustees shall be elected in the following manner.
One Trustee for a term of three years; One for a term of two years and one for a term of one year, and then one Trustee shall be elected for a term of three years at the Annual Meeting of the organization.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization and conduct said meetings for the business of the hour. Together with the Secretary shall call the annual meeting by giving due notice published in a newspaper circulating in the Monkton area by placing such notice for two consecutive weeks in the Monkton Town news item.
Together. these two officers may. in the same manner, call Special Meetings when they deem such to be desirable.
The Vice-President shall serve in the absence of the President in the same capacity as the President were he or she were presiding.
The Secretary shall keep all minutes of any meeting, and is charged with all correspondence. the keeping of ledgers appropriate for records of all materials and items purchased or donated to the organization and proper books for indexing. visitors fees and such other books as may be necessary for the preservation and locating all items within the holdings of the organization.
The Title Secretary herein, shall also mean Clerk, as required under 11 V.S.A. 22h, and as may be amended.
The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies. draw orders for the payment of all bills, and keep accurate accounts of the same and report such finances at each regular meeting. All bills to be paid shall have an order signed by the Secretary as being a proper expense of the business of the organization. The Treasurer shall also make duplicate report at the annual meeting for the purpose of the Secretary’s records.
The Officers named above together with the Trustees shall constitute the Board for the purpose of conducting the business of the organization between meetings of the said organization. Said Board shall be designated to carry out any business of any nature when directed by a vote of the membership.
Membership other than under Article II, shall consist of Monkton residents, and, of persons in other towns whose families were residents at one time of Monkton and are personally interested and dedicated to the interest of donating, seeking out items of historical interest that pertain to Monkton.
The dues of the Corporation shall be $10.00 per year. If any member becomes delinquent in the payment of their dues. may be re-instated by the payment of dues delinquent together with the current dues of any year at such date and become again voting members.
The Annual Meeting shall be held on the third Monday of the month of April, at 7:00 p.m.
Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Officers when it is deemed necessary and involves business or purchasing of more than is customarily designated a usual or regular buisness, and is made public notice to members in the same manner as in Article IV.
The President shall, at least one week prior to the Annual Meeting appoint two Auditors, unless they are elected by the membership at any Annual Meeting, to audit the books of the Treasurer and make a signed report in duplicate of the finances for the minutes of the Secretary’s books. They may also in their report make suggestions to the membership as to how any portions of the financial matters may be improved or conducted in the future. Such Suggestions shall be voted upon by the membership at any Annual Meeting.
The Corporation shall be charged as a body to undertake the locating of a suitable building for holding meetings and a site for the home of the Museum and Society’s permanancy at some future date for the preservation of all material and items of historic value which has been obtained, and for the use of the public to View and have reaserch advantages of all records.
When such a building has been obtained, the Board shall set-up such hours that the building shall be Open to the public as is feasable, and shall appoint as many persons necessary to operate the open hours and designate the hours that such building shall be Open for the benefit of the public, and, designate the dates when such building shall be opened during any one year.
Should the corporation for any reason become unable to maintain and conduct the business of the corporation, the remaining Officers and members, unless they are capable of re-organizing for the purposes first organized, SHALL:
- Have the books audited by an outside person, and pay all outstanding bills, take an inventory and state such circumstances as are found.
- Secure legal advice, if necessary, any decide what other organization shall become the parent future organization to conduct the business of the Museum and Historical Society, whcih shall also be known, together with its own designated title, as the Monkton Museum and Historical Society, Inc., so as not to loose its identity, and make such transfer a legal transfer according to law.
- It is hereby accepted that the transfer if such is to be made, should be the RUSSELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY. This LIBRARY, being partly financed by the Town of Monkton, and having its Trustees and Librarian elected by the voters of the Town of Monkton. Although this organization, “THE RUSSELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY,” at the present is designated in these By-Laws, as herein set forth, such other organization may later be designated by the board, as set forth in No. 2, of this dissolution clause which might be organized under similiar purposes at the time of the necessity for such transfer under the act of dissolution, to secure the perminency of this organization now organized.
These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Meeting of the MONKTON MUSEUM AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY when duly noticed for that purpose, The adoption of the Constitution and By-Laws when properly recorded shall be binding upon the Officers and Membership to carry out the purposes set forth therein.
APPROVED and Adapted by the Subscribers whose names are hereby affixed, this 27th day of March, A. D., 1976.
Margaret R. French redacted
Elizabeth S. Bleas redacted
Clark R. Thomas redacted
Edward T. Barnum redacted
Leon V. Bushey redacted