Have you ever thought about exploring our own state of Vermont more? The staycation theme of the past two years supports this instate awareness. If you have this dream, or want to be inspired, join us for our monthly meeting on July 18th at 7:00 in the Monkton Town Hall Community Room. Linda Barnard will talk about her experiences as a 251 Club member. She has lively stories and pictures to share. She will be offering this snapshot into her travels throughout the state to show the individuality of the “Little Republics” of Vermont. She documented each town visit and will share how you too might become part of the club. Come and bring a friend, maybe someone who will do the 251 with you.
This will be an in-person meeting. However, the option to join the meeting using Zoom will still be available. Please email president@monktonhistory.org for the link.